Monday, June 28, 2010

Finally, 6 Down - Count Recovery Please

Oceana was awakened early today for the final lumbar puncture of Phase 4 enduring what seems to be "the never-ending intense chemo/hospital treatment." After having this procedure performed five times already, it still doesn't get any easier for her but at least we have finally figured out how to tweak the anesthesia, minimizing her emergence delirium. Fortunately, today the Oncology Day Hospital was ready for us upon our arrival from what seems to be our semi-permanent residence CHOP 3 South. This certainly minimized the anxiety producing waiting period we were subjected to during prior times.

After the procedure, Oceana always feels nausea and cries about the awful taste that the anesthesia leaves in her mouth. It is unfortunate that Oceana is able to taste everything that enters her Broviak (central line). Not all children have this ability, but our dear Oceana does. "Raspberry Tea Dad, I want raspberry tea!" Oceana demands. Of course Dad wants to get it but emphasizes that now is not the time to lose manners. After all, we have bent a lot of "structured" rules but proper manners must always be practiced. "Please Dad, get me raspberry tea!"

Oh well, the raspberry tea did not achieve the ultimate goal of "getting the awful taste out of her mouth." It did, however, manage to give her something to vomit instead of the previous dry heaves. Is this grossing you out? Sorry, but this is what it is.

Well, we now must wait for Oceana's blood counts to recover. The waiting game commences. Until then, anti-fungal medicine and antibiotics occur every day. The good news, all tests have come out clear! The treatment is undoubtedly harsh but thankfully Oceana is strong and can handle it. In fact, she is so strong that she still refuses to take Tylenol, exercising control stating that "It's a comfort med, not necessary for my recovery." She is absolutely right and endures the fevers, often alarming the nurses who desperately want her to take the Tylenol in order to lower her fever. Nope, not Oceana. She would rather fever than ingest any more Tylenol! This strength, beloved readers, is what will help make the difference for Oceana's success.

The sad news is that we will be right here for July 4th as well as the majority of August. Even though we will receive a ten day home stay between the end of this phase and the start of her last phase, it will be inopportune for proceeding with such summer plans as making the Green Day concert August 3rd or our family reunion in mid August. All is not lost, we will, as always, make the best of our situation. Perhaps we will manage to visit Hawaii at the close of summer, as we are reading a book about the Big Island (mahalo ohana). Whatever it will be, we will be celebrating completion of the final phase, provided all goes as it should.

Thank you Sister Tobie, Gloria Pasline, Aunt Barbara, Aunt Amie and Aunt Beverly for the kind care packages that you have sent to Oceana. Thank you Mom and Dad for your continued support and positive encouragement. Thank you Mamita and Norman for your special ways of helping us as well. Many thanks to ALL of the financial donors that have enabled us to manage our additional responsibilities while we endure this "other dimension of reality" that we never bargained for. Thank you for the cards, messages, emails and voice mails; for your thoughts and prayers. Thank you Nick for the music played and the music composed. Thank you Kelly W for your artistic mellow visit and Kelly B for your impressive & athletic dedication! Thank you Kim and family for your special ritual by the sea. Thank you Uncle Louis for your fabulous energy and care. Thank you Uncle Alex for majorly setting the supporting and foundational stage for our survival through this journey. Thank you Aunt Holly for your profound inspiration and care package as well! Thank you Uncle Chris and Ple for the healing charm and necklace. Thank you Jill for the beads necklace from the Angels vision. Thank you Susan's artist friend for the special stones and beads watch and bracelet. Thank you readers for keeping us virtual company and taking time to share the journey and sharing the news as they develop with your families.

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